12/9/2024 - 8:30 PM Uhr
Theatre: Come una specie di vertigine (in italian language)

The Dwarf, Calvino, Freedom
by and with Mario Perrotta
directing collaboration Paola Roscioli
mash-up and original music Mario Perrotta, Marco Mantovani
production Permar, Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale
Duration: ca. 80 min.
Information & booking:
Organization: Teatro Stabile di Bolzano
Teatro Stabile di Bolzano
Tel. 0471 301 566
Whatsapp: 366 6311044
three seasons: 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027
full price € 150
reduced € 123
under 26 and CGN holders € 67
under 20 € 45
season 2024/2025
full price € 65
reduced € 55
under 26 and CGN holders € 30 (second season ticket under 26 free)
under 20 € 20 (a second under 20 season ticket is free)
13 performances:
- 12 performances at the Forum Bressanone
- 1 showing at the Municipal Theatre Bolzano
on sale from October 2024
full price € 19
over 65 € 14
under 26 and CGN holders € 9
under 20 € 6
At the box office of the Stadttheater Bozen
Piayy Verdi, 40, 39100 Bolzano
Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 14.30 - 19.00; Saturday 15.30 - 19.00
Tel: 0471 053800 | Mail: info@ticket.bz.it | online at: www.ticket.bz.it
Methods of payment
- cash
- cash card
- credit card (Visa, Cartasì, Diners, Mastercard)
- bank transfer (ordinary or electronic)
Bank transfers must be attested by sending a copy of the payment receipt by fax to (+39) 0471 053 801
In case of electronic transfer, also by email to info@ticket.bz.it
Payee: Municipal Theatre Foundation
c/o Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano
IBAN: IT97 B 06045 11601 000005400000
Please specify the reason for payment indicating title, date of event and number of tickets.
More information: www.teatro-bolzano.it